نقلا عن د. Amir Georgy
انا هكتب الكلام ده بهدف تشجيع زملائي ومساعدتهم انهم يسعوا للوظايف التدريبية... وزي ما الناس ساعدتني انا كمان لازم أساعد الكل ... وكمان في ناس طلبوا مني احكي ازاي جالي وظيفة
تدريبية...الملاحظ على كل الجروبات ان لما حد بيسأل ازاي يسعى للوظايف دي، بيلاقي كم من الردود المحبطة والغامضة بدون داعي! بس في المقابل في ناس بترد ردود ممتازة، وانا نفسي لقيت ناس كتير ساعدوني هنا، لكن الغالبية للأسف بيخوفو الواحد ويقولو مثلا : انت بتحلم! الانجليز بس اللي بيجلهم الوظايف دي... الخ..الفرص موجودة علشان في نقص شديد في الاطباء،وهم محتاجين اطباء حتى في الوظايف التريبية... اكيد في تخصصات صعبة زي الجراحات والقلب والجهاز الهضمي وغيره، لكن في تخصصات مفتوحة وممكن تلاقي فيها فرص، خصوصا الاطفال والنفسية والطوارىء وتخصصات الباطنة.
أنا كنت بشتغل في الخليج اكتر من 7 سنين، وكنت مرتاح في وظيفتي، لكن الأوضاع الأيام دي في الخليج بتتغير، والمستقبل مش مضمون هناك، خصوصا انك لا بتاخد جنسية وحقوقك اقل من اصحاب البلد، واخرتها هترجع مصر باللي انت محوشه، ده لو حوشت أصلا!!... سجلت في الGMC وبعدها كان في اختيارين.. إما اقدم على service job أو علىtraining job... الطبيعي ان انا أقدم على service خصوصا ان انا معنديش خبرة في الuk... قعدت أبحث ازاي اقدم على training job على الجروبات... وفي زملاء ليهم فضل كبير في إرشادي وانا بشكرهم واحد واحد...
قدمت على كذا وظيفة تدريبية بما إني باطنة عامة، عن طريق موقع
هكتب الحاجات المطلوبة بالإنجليزي علشان في مصطلحات لازم تتقال...
1. Ther are 2 rounds... round 1 and round 2.. I got my job in round 1, which is applied for in february.
2.You will need 3 consultants (according to the specialty) to be your references. I believe it is not difficult.
3. You should sign an "alternative certificate of core competences" from a consultant you worked with. You must sign ALL THE COMPETENCIES otherwise they will send you an email telling that your certificate is not valid. You must use the certificate of the year itself eg. If you apply in 2018, the certificate that should be used is the 2018 copy not the 2017 one. You should eventually upload it with your application.
4. The most important thing is to collect points in a truthful way, because if you exaggerate or ambiguate your score, you may be reported to the GMC!!! you will get about 14 points for your MRCP. Other points can be collected if you have additional prizes or rewards, postgraduate certificates such as a diploma or masters, presentations, teaching experience. You can get teaching feedback from juniors or registrars you work with through papers they can sign for you. If you got training in teaching, it will give you points too. Finally, you need to have some audits which is part of a quality improvement in your hospital. I got audit certificates mentioning
This is to certify that dr..... has participated in the audit named ...... You should sign it from the consultant and hospital stamp.
5. You have to fill something called : commitment to specialty, which means that you will mention why you want this specialty, and what have you done to prove that you are enthusiastic about this specialty eg. attending clinics in this specialty, doing procedures... etc. Please be truthful in what you mention because they can know if you are lying or exagerrating. They can contact the consultants you mentioned as references. Be accurate in what you say!!
6. Through the application, you have to fill several points, such as eligibility, fitness, references, competencies, employment, evidence and supporting. It is not difficult.
7.After you finish the application, you will wait for a response. If you get shortlisted, they will send you an email mentioning that you are shortlisted and that you will have an interview in this specialty. You will choose a suitable date and arrange for travelling if you are overseas.
8. Interviews are IN THE UK, NOT VIA VIDEO.
9. The most important thing is that you should be well prepared for the interview. You should read the structure of the interview thoroughly. Haematology for example has 3 stations. Each station is 10 minutes, and 2 consultants will be interviewing you and scoring. It is not easy as you think...
STATION 1: The two main aspects of discussion here, on which you will be assessed, will be your suitability for and commitment to ST3 training in the specialty, and your achievements to date. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STATION. YOU MUST TALK VERY CONFIDENTLY AND ALSO YOU MUST BE HUMBLE, AND SHOW THAT YOU ARE LEARNING EVERYDAY. THEY WILL SCORE YOU DOWN IF YOU ARE OVERCONFIDENT OR ARROGANT. you must be fluent while speaking.
STATION 2: They will give you a clinical scenario eg. fever during blood transfusion and how you will deal with it. Then they will give you an ethical scenario eg. how to deal with a patient who took subtherapeutic LMWH and his DVT is more painful and the swelling is increasing.
STATION 3: You will present an interesting case. It should show the way you think, and you should AVOID rare diseases, because they will ask you difficult questions regarding the case. They judge how you speak, and whether you have good teaching skills.
10. You must prepare well for the interview... there is a good book called medical interviews. Read it thoroughly. You must read the latest BRITISH guidelines in the specialty you will apply for.
You will have a score which is the sum of your application score and interview score. If you pass in the interview, you may get an offer. However, what happened with me is that I passed the interview but was in a reserve list. Uk citizens, europeans and those on tier 2 visa in the uk have priority in taking the vacancy. eg, if an overseas applicant got 90% and a british or european applicant got 70%, they will be taken and the overseas won't!!!
ربنا يوفق الجميع... واحب اشكر ربنا الأول، وكل اللي ساعدوني إني أوصل للوظيفة ... أي سؤال انا تحت امركم..
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