The list of Occupation Ceilings for program year 2016-2017 has already been released by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). With respect to the previous year, 2 Unit Group have been removed: 2336 – Mining Engineers & 4112 – Dental Hygienists, Technicians and Therapists.
See below the comparison table showing the Ceiling Value for current and previous program year. Sort the list to easily see what are the occupations with the Higher/Lower ceiling value, or what was the % of variation.
Occupation Ceilings 2015-2016 Vs 2016-2017
Unit Group | Description | Ceiling Value 2015-2016 |
Ceiling Value 2016-2017 |
% |
2514 | Optometrists and Orthoptists | 1578 | 1000 | -36.63% |
2631 | Computer Network Professionals | 1986 | 1426 | -28.20% |
2332 | Civil Engineering Professionals | 2970 | 2174 | -26.80% |
2725 | Social Workers | 2166 | 1783 | -17.68% |
3232 | Metal Fitters and Machinists | 8070 | 6677 | -17.26% |
1342 | Health and Welfare Services Managers | 1410 | 1177 | -16.52% |
2321 | Architects and Landscape Architects | 1650 | 1391 | -15.70% |
2335 | Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers | 1788 | 1539 | -13.93% |
3241 | Panelbeaters | 1134 | 1000 | -11.82% |
2512 | Medical Imaging Professionals | 1092 | 1000 | -8.42% |
3212 | Motor Mechanics | 6108 | 5597 | -8.37% |
2411 | Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers | 1980 | 1822 | -7.98% |
1331 | Construction Managers | 5640 | 5289 | -6.22% |
1335 | Production Managers | 3582 | 3368 | -5.97% |
3423 | Electronics Trades Workers | 2076 | 1993 | -4.00% |
2414 | Secondary School Teachers | 8352 | 8032 | -3.83% |
2611 | ICT Business and Systems Analysts | 1536 | 1482 | -3.52% |
2415 | Special Education Teachers | 1158 | 1126 | -2.76% |
2531 | General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers | 3558 | 3495 | -1.77% |
2211 | Accountants | 2525 | 2500 | -0.99% |
1341 | Child Care Centre Managers | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2241 | Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2312 | Marine Transport Professionals | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2322 | Cartographers and Surveyors | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2331 | Chemical and Materials Engineers | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2334 | Electronics Engineers | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2339 | Other Engineering Professionals | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2341 | Agricultural and Forestry Scientists | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2347 | Veterinarians | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2349 | Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2519 | Orthotist or Prosthetist | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2521 | Chiropractors and Osteopaths | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2524 | Occupational Therapists | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2526 | Podiatrists | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2527 | Speech Professionals and Audiologists | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2532 | Anaesthetists | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2533 | Internal Medicine Specialists | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2534 | Psychiatrists | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2535 | Surgeons | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2633 | Telecommunications Engineering Professionals | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
2711 | Barristers | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
3122 | Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
3123 | Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
3132 | Telecommunications Technical Specialists | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
3211 | Automotive Electricians | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
3222 | Sheetmetal Trades Workers | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
3233 | Precision Metal Trades Workers | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
3331 | Glaziers | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
3422 | Electrical Distribution Trades Workers | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
3991 | Boat Builders and Shipwrights | 1000 | 1000 | 0% |
3341 | Plumbers | 5130 | 5169 | 0.76% |
3223 | Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers | 4416 | 4466 | 1.13% |
2541 | Midwives | 1000 | 1017 | 1.70% |
2333 | Electrical Engineers | 1230 | 1254 | 1.95% |
3322 | Painting Trades Workers | 2802 | 2871 | 2.46% |
3941 | Cabinetmakers | 1530 | 1568 | 2.48% |
2245 | Land Economists and Valuers | 1000 | 1035 | 3.50% |
2613 | Software and Applications Programmers | 5364 | 5662 | 5.56% |
3311 | Bricklayers and Stonemasons | 1656 | 1751 | 5.74% |
3312 | Carpenters and Joiners | 7290 | 7718 | 5.87% |
3411 | Electricians | 8772 | 9345 | 6.53% |
3334 | Wall and Floor Tilers | 1284 | 1475 | 14.88% |
3332 | Plasterers | 1866 | 2149 | 15.17% |
3513 | Chefs | 2475 | 2854 | 15.31% |
2346 | Medical Laboratory Scientists | 1362 | 1602 | 17.62% |
2544 | Registered Nurses | 13872 | 16346 | 17.83% |
2525 | Physiotherapists | 1104 | 1345 | 21.83% |
2723 | Psychologists | 1212 | 1532 | 26.40% |
2539 | Other Medical Practitioners | 1000 | 1315 | 31.50% |
1332 | Engineering Managers | 1014 | 1407 | 38.76% |
2212 | Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers | 1000 | 1413 | 41.30% |
2713 | Solicitors | 3252 | 5154 | 58.49% |
3421 | Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics | 1038 | 1701 | 63.87% |